Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Against your flags

In honour of my ancestors I started imprinting clothing with dacian inspired motives. This is my first attempt:

It represent the dacian war banner, later known as the Draco and adopted, after the conquest of a small part of Dacia, even by the roman cohorts.
I raise it (and wear it) against the false flags of modernity.

Today I have a tattoo appointment to get it under my skin.

Pre-dacian and dacian culture

Monday, 10 November 2014

Being a pagan

I proclaim: the modern pagans/heathens are ridiculous. At best.

What you can find, amongst them, are usually hippies, nazis, or just plain lunatics. Very little else.
All of those nutcases I mentioned above are just the products of modernity, having nothing whatsoever to do with that which may be called pagan/heathen, i.e. the pre-christian european heritage.

I don’t really like those terms – pagan, heathen, etc. –  (or any regarding this topic), but lacking others I’ll go along with them. Maybe “wayfarer” would be more appropriate, but I will not impose it on anybody.

First of all I’ll use a platitude: you don’t choose paganism; it chooses you.

Assuming you’re a sane person, you’ll feel paganism choosing you. At first on a simple basis, i.e. rebellion against modern values and standards, but don’t hurry, ’cause that’s not all. Later on a more complex basis, which leads to years of searching, reading and experiencing. Aftewards there is a period of understanding what you’ve experienced until now.To make it clearer: it takes fuckin’ time. So it is not at all something like “Alright. Fuck all. I’m a pagan now.”. It is the impulse to follow a less travelled road, a hard road, a long winding road. Without walking it, you’re just a poser and a clown. That is why I laugh at youngsters calling themselves pagans, or at middle age morons hugging trees, casting spells and getting a hard-on with tarot cards. Or at those poor bastards posting pics (on blogs and such) of horned vikings, northern gods, etc., alongside pics of Hitler and what not.
Not following that long, hard road I mentioned above is tipical of the modern man, always in a hurry, having no time for the truly important and resorting on prefabricated labels to give him/her the sense of some importance, because he/she knows damn well what a sorry ass he/she really is.

Second: you cannot be a towner and a pagan at the same time.

Which does not mean that simply moving to the country will change anything. It is the towner mentality that gets in the way of reaching any understanding of the topic I talk about here. It is that herd mentality of the towner one must first not have, or work hard at losing it, to actually get anywhere. For anyone understanding the rural and the pagan, this issue is clear.
I know a lot of “pagan” towners living in the country. Some famous (what a load of crap), others less and most unknown to the masses. No matter how hard they all try, it changes nothing. The path chosen is simply a wrong one.

Third: hippies.

Hedonism is what they embrace, besides simplistic environmentalism and other such delusions. They think, typical for the bourgeois and the proletarian, that by taking a stand one can change the course of history and of nature. They’re too products of the modernity I've mentioned before, so there’s no wonder as to what cretinisms they believe in.
And apart from thinking “change” (what? where? when? how?), they only got time to think “fornication” and “consciusness extension” (drug use). All of that under the veil of “paganism”, because simply “hippy scum” isn’t kinky enough, I suppose.

Fourth: nazis.

Product of the same modernism and the same lowest form of life, i.e. the modern man, as the hippies, they misuse more ostentatiously the simplest images of paganism, because, as the hippies, they cannot understand the complexity of it all and because it seems to aid their idiotical dogma. All of that under the veil of “paganism”, because simply “nazi scum” isn’t manly enough, I suppose.
I won’t name anyone, but you know who hey are. Unlike the hippies, who at times actually “go out there”, nazis dwell mostly infront of their computers.
The assumptions and the insults about how “nazis have small cocks” and how “they’re latently gay” suddenly start to sound like truths, so I won’t spend any more time on them.

Fifth: lunatics.

Beware of such folks! Call the “long armed shirts” guys to pick them up.

Sixth: academics.

Oh, yes. The academics are also into paganism, sporadically. And they can write huge books, hold speeches for hours and lose themselves in erudite quotes and phrases, until you could puke, but coming no step closer than their less educated commrades, pointed at above, to what “paganism” is actually all about.
Probably because reading alone does not suffice.

Seventh: reenactment.

If done for sports and for learning or teaching something, that’s OK and it should be done more often. But those fairs and festivals of retarded stereotypy and/or that LARP stuff… If you really wanna display your puerility, just go ahead, but dammit… don’t… you know.
If done for fun, it ain’t that bad. Just when you start generalizing your ignorance and thinking that’s the real deal, it becomes stupid.

Eighth: virtual warriors.

Listening to Manowar and blabbering about “gloriously dying in battle” is a sure sign of you not being even close to a warrior or a hero and it is another sure signs of being a stupid fuck with no balls and even less brains. These are the first to run, in a real battle situation, or to cry for their mothers, with pants wet and stinky.
I despise people reducing paganism/heathenism to only the topic of warriors. To those people I can say only this: there cannot be only chiefs and no indians. So, bugger off!

Now, if not sooner, you just might think this guy here is a real know-it-all. And I sure sound like one, I’ll admit that.

Actually, that’s only my personal experience talking there. Yours may be different and that’s good.

I know about what I worte first hand: I was, more or less and at one point or another, all of those types I mentioned before. It is, as I’ve said, a long and hard road, with obstacles and dead ends, with right and wrong, with… everything. And that’s good too. That’s how one learns best.
And I hope I’ve learned something, if not a lot.

Paganism is a way of living and of understanding the living world and the Whole, without prefabricated labels and opinions. It means resonating to an all-encompassing truth and wisdom. It means trying to comprehend it. And it means living in accordance with it, nevermind what the momentary values and precepts are. It means surrendering to and understanding the eternal. It means admitting you know nothing and that it will probably always stay that way. It means accepting no bullshit and kicking ass when necessary. It means, as Socrates put it, "Be as you wish to seem."
To me, at least. Don’t know about you.

There are enough prophets out there, who know everything. I know little, if anything, so don’t listen to me, folks.

Now? I returned to the area and the mentality I know best: the rural one. I was born and I grew up in a village, I’ll grow old and die in a village. I was long enough a towner, even though never in my heart. No more.

Found a house, at the edge of an algovian village, took my wife and mother (we take care of our old) with me, we plant what we can, we got ten hens and a rooster, a dog and a cat may follow… and it’s a start. The beginning of a new chapter. A new step on that old way forward.

But that is only my way. Which way is yours?

NOTE: I know “pagan” ended up meaning mostly wiccan-hippy bullshit, while “heathen” ended up meaning mostly nazi-fascist bullshit, but I don’t really care. This is not a blog for those drama queens anyway

Friday, 7 November 2014

Lest we forget...

This low self-esteem god that christians brought into our lands was, is and always will be a foreign deity, along with its foreign dogma of mortification.

Let's celebrate our own Tradition of light and life, before it is forgotten.

"They want a sky without eagles" by ThunderMarks Clothing

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Against a sky without eagles

I have a tattoo of an golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) on my right arm. Always loved those birds: majestic and beautiful. No wonder so many cultures were and are  fascinated by it, as I am too.

Now I have two eagles nesting in the area where my house is and I love to watch them fly and hunt and call after each other. For a while I’ve heard the cry of their fledgling, but by now he must have left the perimeter. Observing them have become trully a spiritual experience for me.

Then I’ve heard about Jack Donovan’s new book “A sky without eagles” and I’m probably gonna buy it. But that’s not the point.

“A sky without eagles”… What a sad sight that would be.

Something that the modern world actually wants: tameness on all levels. No wild eagles, but caged canary, slavishly singing for the masters. The end of beauty, of majesty, of naturalness.

As far as I’m concerned, it all started with the much revered “Renaissance” (my ass!), which was nothing more than the rise of the merchants, leading, through revolutions, bloodshed and guillotines, to the rise of the proletarians. The lowest castes, the lowest of the low, where and are in charge. Some may invoke the art and shit of that era,  like the art and shit of later times, but the fact is that all of it was and is nothing. Plain copycats, lacking the soul of that which they tried and still try to copy. And anyway: on the top of a crap pile you can see the most beautiful flowers bloom. It changes nothing.

The lowest know no nobleness, no honour, no beauty. The lowest have no knowledge of virtue. All they can do is indulge in the lowest pleasures of materialistic and carnal kind. That’s why “sex sells”, by the way. What misserable lives they lead! Because they cannot rise to beauty, they stain everything with their filth.

And centuries have slowly passed…

Now we’ve degenerated from beings into mere existences. Our lives were reduced to “Das Kapital” by a social parasite and his disciples. Our souls perverted unrecongnisable. Our knowledge is ignorance. Our path is a dead end.

And oblivion slowly sets in…

We’ve forgotten who we once were. Sometimes we try to recreate some of it, in a pathetic attempt to save at least something of ourselves, but we almost always buy into their propaganda of illusions and lies. We cannot see the truth anymore. We do not have what it takes to understand what we have lost. How much we have lost. How beautiful it was that which we have lost.

That’s why so many go for “the Right”, without even realising that it’s actually “the Left” dressed in different clothes. Blind, deaf and dumb is what we’ve become. We don’t seem to understand that getting involved in this “Kali Yuga Circus”, no matter what dogma you write on your banner, is another step towards the abyss. There are no differences among those clowns and their parties. All of them are part of the same pile of crap. It is that simple. Where I come from there is a saying: “Same Mary with a different hat”. That’s what the circus is, folks.

“A sky without eagles”… A dreadful thought.

But what can be done about it, some might ask?

There’s a joke I’ve heard about such folks, ending in the phrase “That’s the problem with you: you always have to do something”.

Action comes right after contemplation. Rushing headlong into action may be the way of the samurai, but I doubt it is the right way. Contemplating too long is also a sign of an utter lack of the will to act. Maybe the balance of the two is the trully right way to do anything.

Understand who you really are and don’t lose yourself in dreaming about what you’d like to be. That is the first step. That is how one can be of true help to a cause. Know your capabilities. Know your place and your duty. Employ and fulfill them the best you can.

And remember that freedom isn’t about doing what you want, but about doing what you should.

The second step would be to find likeminded people, in true life, not in the virtual bullshit. Form a group, a tribe, a band, a gang. Get together and build something, or, as some put it, “start the world”.
This is the tricky part.

I read something about the “Wolves of Vinland” a while ago and I know there are other groups like that around, but the more I think about it, the less I agree with them.
Social atomism and antisocial behaviour is what drives people like that to do what they do and that is the wrong way of doing anything regarding our topic here.

Be a part of society, don’t run away from it. It is this big world you want to save, not your small insignificant one. It is a greater task and a nobler duty to be a small part of something great, than to be the big shot of something small and meaningless.
Do your part in the society, but never forget why you do it and that your work is done for something greater.

I by no means say you ought to become “one of them”, but it is stupid and useless to fight miles away from where the battle actually is. That’s not the way to change anything and you’ll win nothing at the end of such an “endeavour”. Be there where you’re needed and do your best. That’s the right way. All else is part of the “circus”.

And let it be said that it is not an honourable war for the minds and souls of the people that’s raging. It is a dishonourable one. Honour, righteousness and virtue are better left for those who deserve them. For the lowest there can be only scorn. Nothing else.

Be there, or be square!

And when I finally understood this, it all became clear. I thank the eagles flying above my house for this understanding. Beautiful and noble creatures that they are.

That’s why I am “Against a sky without eagles”.

You? Figure it out for yourself.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

What is this all about, you might ask?

Thunder Marks is basically an atavistic endeavour dealing with art, design, history, politics, rock n' roll, motorcycles and what not.

Strength, courage, mastery and honour are our guiding principles.

We do not concern ourselves with meaninglessness and trends.

He who is incapable of dealing with irony, sarcasm and straightforwardness is out of place here.

Our work is not meant for everybody, but for those who appreciate it we do it gladly, even in commission.

Right, onwards!